20 x Stickers: Illegal Aliens


These stickers are 3 inches by 5 inches in size.

The text on the sticker is as follows:

Annually, 75 % of all illegal drugs arrive from Mexico at a cost of $120 billion. In addition, our tax dollars pay $80 billion for the War on Drugs each year.

When an alien criminal gets caught for rape, murder or drug distribution, you pay $1.6 billion annually in prison costs to house, feed and clothe those filling 30% of our federal and state prisons.

Over 300,000 pregnant illegal alien women arrive annually and give birth on U.S. soil. The average cost annually per child is $7,161.00 for K-12, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. You pay in excess of $109 billion annually per cycle of anchor babies.

Illegal alien drunk drivers kill 13 people a day in America. (4,745 per year.)

Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans every day. (4,380 per year.)

8 American children are sexually abused by illegal aliens every day. (2,920 per year.) Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs.

Pack of 20 stickers.

Price: $3.00

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